24/7 Service

Medical Insurances

Health Insurances

For admission to Ribera Medical Center, the insured or beneficiary, in addition to suggestions for the patient admission and discharge procedure, must consider the following:

    Insured Admission
    • 1.- Admission with scheduled surgery or for medical treatment.
      Upon entering Ribera Medical Center you will present the original of the Surgery or Treatment Scheduling Authorization Letter, company issued ID card and official photo ID as well as a guarantee of payment for personal expenses, deductibles, coinsurance and any other items not covered by the company.
    • 2.- Emergency Admission and Hospital Report.
      Upon entering Ribera Medical Center through the Emergency Department, after official identification with a photograph, and in the event that the insured or beneficiary does not remain for more than 24 hours, Ribera Medical Center will provide the service and the insured or beneficiary will be obligated to pay the entire bill directly to the hospital, unless the company is responsible for payment by Letter of Authorization, the following requirements apply:
    • When entering Ribera Medical Center through the Emergency area, if the insured or beneficiary remains more than 24 hours and requires hospitalization, he/she will present his/her company issued identification credential and official photo identification. It will provide all the information requested, as well as the payment of a guarantee.
    • Ribera Medical Center will report the income of the insured or beneficiary to the company via telephone or e-mail and will wait for a 24-hour response from the company, which will be provided through a Letter of Authorization or Denial.
    • When the insured or beneficiary fails to submit any of the above documents or no response is received from the Company within 24 hours, Ribera Medical Center will provide the service and the insured or beneficiary will be responsible for paying the hospital the entire bill directly, unless the Letter of Authorization is submitted prior to discharge.
    • It is important for the insured or beneficiary to be aware of the company's response, so in the event of failure to obtain it within the time period stipulated above, it is suggested that the insured or beneficiary call their Personal Service Advisor directly at the telephone number indicated in their policy.
    • 3.- Guarantee Payment for Uncovered Expenses.
      Upon entering Ribera Medical Center, and in compliance with established policies, policyholders or their beneficiaries will be required to provide a guarantee of payment, either by credit card, bank transfer, debit card or cash, in order to guarantee payment of personal expenses and services not included or not covered by the company, such as: deductibles, coinsurance, difference in room, non-covered conditions, etc.
    • 4.- Medical Fees.
      In the event that the insured or beneficiary chooses his or her doctor and he or she is not in the Insurer's Network, it is important to consider that the company will pay him or her according to the Medical Fee Schedule of the contracted plan and the deductible and coinsurance agreed upon in the policy will apply. It may happen that the doctor may charge different fees or that the payment of these fees is sometimes made through reimbursement.
      If you are seen by doctors in the Insurer's Network, medical fees will be covered according to the agreement, and there will be a reduction or elimination of the deductible and coinsurance, which will depend on the conditions of your policy, so please read your insurance information carefully.
    • 5.- Information about your medical expenses policy and hospital medical agreement.
      If during your stay at Ribera Medical Center you require further information or additional services related to your insurance, we suggest you request them directly from your company, which must inform you to your complete satisfaction of the conditions of the Hospital Medical Agreement, as well as the payment of the deductible and coinsurance indicated in your policy and all those services not included or covered by it.

      Exit procedure with insurance
      • 1.- Verify account
        It is recommended that 24 hours before settling your account, you verify in the Admission Area the existence of the Letter of Authorization or Letter of Scheduled Surgery duly authorized and the amounts to be paid for deductibles, coinsurance, non-covered expenses, differences in fees, etc.
      • 2.- Payment of Hospitalization and Medical Fees
        Upon departure or discharge of the insured or beneficiary, the latter must present himself/herself at the Admission Area and pay the deductible, as well as the expenses and services not authorized or covered by the company. The same applies to the payment of medical fees.