Patient Rights
Ribera Medical Center Hospital is committed to the safety of our patients and the quality of our service and has adopted and implemented the Patients' Rights established by the World Health Organization and the General Health Law:
- 1.- Receive adequate medical care
- 2.- To be treated with dignity and respect.
- 3.- Receive sufficient, clear, timely and truthful information.
- 4.- Decide freely about your care.
- 5.- To give or not to give validly informed consent.
- 6.- Be treated with confidentiality.
- 7.- Have facilities to obtain a second opinion.
- 8.- Receive medical attention in case of emergency.
- 9.- Have a medical record.
- 10.- Be cared for when you are dissatisfied with the medical care you receive.
Patien Duties
- It is also important that patients support us in complying with the following provisions:
- 1.- To collaborate to the maximum in the fulfillment of the Regulations of Ribera Medical Center, as well as to request its fulfillment to family and friends who visit it.
- 2.- Treat your caregivers, other patients and visitors with respect.
- 3.- Use with care and attention the material, equipment, installations and assistance devices made available to them.
- 4.- In case of voluntary discharge: Sign the documents that exempt the Hospital from any responsibility.